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The 5 Key Benefits of Effective Buying

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Buy Better to Sell Better

By making just small changes in our approach to buying, we can expect to see significant value and benefits also in terms of sales.

For a company, a significant increase in profit, greater competitive advantage and higher brand value can be achieved through a modernized and more strategic approach to buying. To realize these benefits though, it is imperative that the company follows the best practice procurement approach; it is not enough to simply buy or negotiate a little better, it must be strategically embedded across the entire organization.

Below are 5 key benefits that effective buying can deliver:

1   - Reduced price or total cost

This can include a reduced acquisition price, lower Total Cost of Ownership (cost to acquire, use and dispose), or savings through exchange rate fluctuations. It is important to remember that the amount of buying power we have will always determine how low the price or total cost will be. Therefore, the pursuit of additional value is always beneficial in ensuring we have secured what we perceive to be a good deal.

We, as MC Group, can garantee you the best Price/quality ratio in our supplies, this way you will be able to sell to your final customers in the more convenient way, making profit and attracting them with a good pricing strategy.

2   - Securing greater value from the supplier or the supply base

This includes additional benefits beyond reduced price or total cost that are worthwhile and can bring value to us. Benefits might include securing additional products or services at no added cost, improved efficiency, sharing of resources, collaborative working, or reduced time to supply.

Working closely with our key suppliers can often lead to the creation of new or enhanced products, features or services that can stimulate new or increased demand from our customers.

That’s MC Group philosophy, we want to be not only a supplier for you, but a real business partner instead. You will not only buy our products but all our support in terms of logistics and marketing.

3   - Reduced risk

This benefit is concerned with reducing, removing or being prepared for any risk that could potentially hurt us, cost us, or damage our brand and reputation. Examples might include supply failure or delays, loss of competitive advantage, price or cost increases, and quality failures or latent defects.

MC Group is a very solid company, many years in the business, with a range of own brands with good reputation and recognized quality.

Our supply chain is quick and efficient. Just giving a look to our Eurodì stores, you will realize the variety of items they have, always available and in stock.


4   - Innovation

We can realize game-changing benefits as a result of leveraging innovation from the supply base, or through working collaboratively with our suppliers to achieve a new mutually beneficial goal. This might include exclusive access to knowledge and ideas for new product creation and enabling new markets to be reached, business growth linked to supplier initiatives and greater competitive advantage.

Our variety store chain, Eurodì, offers to its clients a rewards fidelity program through an user- frindly mobile app, that includes coupon offers and push-up news.

5   - Improved internal effectiveness

These are the benefits to us and our entire organization gained through a more effective buying approach. They can ensure we are better positioned to meet our customers’ needs and aspirations, improve or protect our cash flow, and instils a common language and ways of working together in order to buy well.

Ultimately, good buying can bring great value to an organization, but it must be an organization- wide concern that involves every area of the business building effective relationships with their respective suppliers. This should be coupled with an overarching strategy that defines exactly how value is to be gained through every business purchase.

If you want to be sure to buy at the best conditions, in a safe environment and deliver products that customers needs and wants...become our distributor in your country!


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